Meeting Update / Addition / Removal

If you would like to add, update the details, or remove a meeting from the WC Meeting list page, please complete the form below.

A brief name as you would like it to appear in the list.
Select the day of the week your meeting takes place.
Please enter the times that your meeting starts and ends.
Please select the type of meeting you are running.
Please add the physical address of your meeting; preferably copied from Google Maps (open this link for an example of where to copy it). *NOT REQUIRED FOR REMOVAL
Paste the link to your online meeting; if relevant, else leave this blank. *NOT REQUIRED FOR REMOVAL
If relevant, enter the password to access your online meeting above. *NOT REQUIRED FOR REMOVAL
Tell us what you would like added, updated, or removed from your meeting listing on the Meetings page, INCLUDING any special requirements for In-Person meetings as regulated by Government.
We must verify the request before making this change so please supply a valid email address or else this request will not be actioned.