What is the Western Cape Area Service Committee (ASC)?
The ASC is the “Workhorse” of the NA service structure. Most of the hands-on work of delivering NA services to the groups and the community occurs at the ASC level. NA groups support meetings where addicts can share their recovery with one another. But there are many more things that can and are done to further the aims of Narcotics Anonymous, such as:
PR – NA panel presentations at addiction treatment centers and correctional facilities can reach addicts particularly in need of what we have to offer.
Public information presentations to schools and community groups, mailings to addiction treatment professionals, meeting notices in newspapers, and public service announcements on local radio and television stations can help direct people to NA.
Website – Directories showing where and when NA groups in the area hold their recovery meetings can help addicts and others find nearby meetings being conducted at times convenient to them.
Phoneline service can help addicts seeking recovery find a meeting in their area. It can also provide information about NA to interested community members.
Literature – A ready supply of NA books and pamphlets can make it easier for groups to stock their literature tables.
Events – Social activities can help addicts feel more comfortable in their local NA community and increase unity and camaraderie among area members.

In the words of NA’s Ninth Tradition, we “create service boards or committees directly responsible to those they serve.”, the primary purpose of ASC. Area service committees are ultimately responsible to the groups they serve. Narcotics Anonymous groups send group service representatives (GSRs) to serve on the area committee.
While still maintaining final responsibility and authority for area services, they invest enough delegated authority in their GSRs—and through them, in the area committee—for the necessary work to get done. NA groups also send money to the area committee, money needed to coordinate panels, maintain phonelines, and conduct public information activities. Through their contributions of money and manpower, the groups exercise both their responsibility and their authority for NA services. How does the area service committee relate in turn to NA’s regional and world services? In much the same way as the group relates to the area committee: through carefully selected representatives who are delegated the authority necessary for effective service.
Click here for a guide to service and service structures in NA.
Example of the ASC’s role in the NA service structure: